How to win in business


If you follow sports you know the University of Alabama has won the college football national championship almost every other year for the past decade. How do they do that? No other school has come close to what they're accomplishing right now. What sets them apart and makes them unique?

Nick Saban, the Alabama head football coach, speaks often of "the process." He, along with other successful coaches, tell their teams continuously, "commit to the process and trust that the results will take care of themselves." That's the key. They're not focused on the end result, rather the daily activities that will lead to the end result.

That's exactly what you need to do to win in business. Define what your "national championship" is, and then ask yourself what daily/weekly/monthly activities need to be accomplished to get you there. And then relentlessly focus on those activities and nothing else. Commit to the process and the results will take care of themselves.

It's hard, but it's not complicated. Don't fall for new and shiny goals or fancy shortcuts. When the process is simple, hard, and boring, that's right where you need to be. Don't give up on the process. Be patient, the results are coming!

If you have no goals or specific results you care to see, you're probably burned out. In that case it's time to sell your business before it loses too much value. Give me a call and let's get started.


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