A fresh take on integrity
Integrity has lost a lot of its meaning. Every business claims to have it as a reason why you should do business with them. And most businesses do have it. But integrity is so much more than doing the right thing. It's about being whole and undivided. It's about being the same person whether you're at home with your kids, on a business call, or out for drinks with friends. That is a much more difficult, but superior integrity to possess!
Ditch the idea that giving good service is integrity. Instead, define integrity as privately living out the values that you publicly profess. What a noble challenge! Are you on your "best behavior" only in public? Don't just cater to those who its easy to do so, but give your best to those closest to you. Those that see all your flaws. Most importantly, give yourself your best at all times.
Self-mastery in private will lead to public victories. A sense of being whole and undivided will undoubtedly carry over into your public life. You'll gain even more influence with others and achieve more success in your business and your personal relationships.
Please know that there are no judgements here, rather an encouragement for you and for myself to achieve new levels in doing what's right.