Your words
Sometimes we don't realize how important our words are. Business ownership is a lonely place, and a desire to vent or gossip often results in saying the wrong thing to the wrong person.
Another area where our words can fall short is when they lack value. So much of our employees and clients' thoughts and emotions hinge upon the words we use. And if we're not using our words for good, then we're creating a negative culture.
Let your words be of high value, or don't use them. Be positive. Build others up. Don't make any promises you don't intend to keep, even if it means you have to say something difficult. As a matter of fact, try not to make promises at all. Just let your actions speak for you.
Company culture is one of the top characteristics of a business that sells easily. Work on the words you use around the office, and when/if it comes time to sell, your business will be an extremely attractive one!