Non-gimmick goal setting

Well, it's goal-setting season. The majesty of the holiday season has come and gone, and now we're looking forward to all the good things a new year may bring. This is a time where it almost feels like you have a clean slate. What a great moment for new motivation and ambitions!

And then February hits. And we get caught right back in the realities of the day-to-day grind. The goals you set are now just a memory. You may be a little embarrassed for trying to set goals in the first place.

Every year this happens to all of us. We get excited and set big new goals, all to get a few weeks down the road to fall short again.

I have a a simple solution for this: Assign a reason for each goal that makes it worth committing to even when you don't feel like it. And if you can't find a good enough reason, don't make it a goal.

Do you want to be healthier? Do it so you can be around longer for your kids and grandkids. Want to grow your business? Do it so you can sell it for the right amount to retire. Want to get out of the day-to-day operations? Do it so you can spend more time with your family.

The "why" for your goals must be strong enough to get you through the times when you don't feel like doing it.

It's simple, but it's also hard. But that's how you know this will work for you; because nothing worthwhile ever comes easy.

Have you lost all ambition? Perhaps it's time to sell your business. If that's the case, give me a call today.


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