Stand strong
Let's pretend you and your family are going on vacation to Florida. You planned this nine months ago when you first promised your kids about it. You've spent $5,000, prepared the staff for your absence, and taken your mind off everything else. You are 100% all in on this trip. Imagine you're halfway there, somewhere on I-10 around Mississippi and you get a flat tire. A complete blowout.
What was a great idea and something everyone was prepared for and excited about has now become a stressful and discouraging situation. Does this sound familiar?
What do you do when you get a flat tire? In this case, you find a way to get it fixed and get your family to the beach! After all, you've committed so much to it. But what about when this happens in your business? You make a plan, get everyone excited, cast vision about how great it's going to be, and then six months later you lose your biggest client.
What will you do when adversity hits? Will you be strong and stay the course? Or will you blame it on a "shut door" and give up? We're often guilty of overthinking, and end up justifying a way to quit when it gets tough. But adversity isn't a sign that you should cancel your plans. It's just adversity.
Be strong. Be tough. Persevere through adversity. Don't give up on your plans. Sure, you may need to pause them at times. But don't give up on what got you excited in the first place!
Do you want to make a plan to sell your business? Give me a call today!