Preparing to sell your business: Part 1/5

You may be ready to sell your business but don’t know where to start. I provide the framework and coaching you need to determine the value of your business and find the right buyer so you can enjoy the life you’ve worked so hard to achieve.

If you know it’s not the right time to sell your business, but will be doing so in the near future, there are actions you need to take starting now that will add value to your company and make it more desirable for any Potential Buyer. This is part 1 of 5 essential actions to get your business ready to sell.

#1 Have Accurate and Current Accounting

This one is a no-brainer. You know your business better than the back of your hand. You may not need accurate and current financial data to feel comfortable running your company, however, your financial statements are your business’ first impression to a Potential Buyer.

Don’t be afraid that accurate reporting may come with the cost of unimpressive numbers. It’s easier to work around that then numbers that don’t make sense.

Nothing will make a potential buyer run away faster than confusing numbers that don’t add up!

As consumers we all buy based upon what we understand the best. Therefore, help Potential Buyers understand your business! Consider having your accountant take over all financial data entry and reconciliations to ensure accuracy.

You can’t afford to mess this one up.


Preparing to sell your business: Part 2/5


Don’t worry.