Persistence pays off.
Have you ever heard someone say, “For 20 years I worked hard on my business. I was diligent and persistent about putting together a good team, making my product better, and using the latest sales and marketing techniques. And you know what happened? I failed miserably.”?
No, you haven’t. In the world we live in if you want to achieve greater levels of success beyond what you’re normally capable of, you must make a commitment that is greater than any of the failures and setbacks you will experience.
Commitment is not a feeling that motivates you to do the same thing every day for a long period of time. The true motivation behind commitment is about understanding the value and the fruit that is produced by heavy persistence to one thing.
If you’re brave enough to continually get up and try again after failure, you’ll finally bust through the wall. Diligence and persistence will bring about success at some point. But you have to make a commitment. Most young businesses fail not because they had a bad product or service, but because they didn’t commit. They gave up! To win in business you must make a total commitment. There can’t be a plan B. I’m sure you may find small success, but the next-level success you desire is found behind the walls and ceilings you need to persistently be chipping away at.
If you intend to sell your business one day, your persistence will have made it worth a lot more!
Be diligent. Be persistent. Go far in one direction!
If you’re ready to sell your business right now, give me call! We can begin the process immediately!