Navigating unknowns

Selling your business is an exciting time because you get a nice financial reward for all your hard work, along with new opportunities. But it's also a stressful time because the unknowns of life afterwards. How will you make money now? Do you have enough for retirement? This puts a lot of stress on your career, but more importantly, if you're married it puts a lot of stress on your marriage. Here's how to lead your spouse and those closest to you through a season of unknowns:

Don't make promises of what life will be like after selling your business.

You may have the best intentions, but you'll never know what tomorrow will bring. Hopeful optimism is good, but through uncertain times your words need be respected and valued. Keep them that way by not over-promising, or saying things will happen that never do. Instead, explain in general how great of an opportunity is on the horizon and that you're excited for the good things that will come.

Work hard on whatever is in front of you.

Don't overlook the work that is at hand. Ultimately the only thing you can do to maximize your future success is to give undivided attention in the present moment. Don't get so caught up in the future that you forget about today. Greatness may lie ahead, but you won't get there without putting in the work today.

Work smart to cultivate what you have.

Only working hard will not get you very far. You also have to work smart. That means consistently refining, improving, and adapting the things you own to prevent them becoming stale or obsolete. This is true for any business or organization, but most true for your relationship with your spouse and kids.

These three steps won't solve every problem you encounter in life after selling your business, but they're a good framework to ensure you stay on the right track as you go a new direction.

Are you ready to take the next step and sell your business? Give me a call today and let's get started!


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