A new take on generosity.

Generosity is a great trait to have. It opens doors, accomplishes great things, and can make a large impact for those on the receiving end. But sometimes we don't want to be generous. Whether money is tight or we are just being selfish, we don't want to give any of our hard earned money, or even our time.

In those moments when we don't feel like giving but know we should, here's a simple solution to push past that: Pay the people you owe. And especially if you have the means to do so. Although the greatest form of generosity is going out of the way to give of our resources, it doesn't always have to be that.

Sometimes the most generous act we can muster up is to simply pay our bills on time. And not only is it okay, it's a wonderful act of kindness! As a business owner, you know how amazing it is when customers pay their bills on time without being asked!

Paying the people you owe will clear your conscience and give you a newfound confidence as you go about your day. You'll also find yourself more and more in the favor and good graces of those you owe.


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