Preparing to Sell Your Business: Part 4/5
Whether you want to sell your business soon, later, or never at all, these Five Essential Actions to Get Your Business Ready to Sell are sure to help your company! Today is covering the fourth action out of five. In my mind, it's the golden rule of preparing to sell your business!
Action #4: Treat Your Business Like Its Someone Else's
Often times we perform better when we know someone is watching. Run your business like 100 Potential Buyers are watching your every move.
Whether we can readily admit it or not, we all have unattractive parts of our companies that we simply aren’t aware of. Maybe the wall décor is outdated, the employees need new uniforms, your inventory is a little disorganized, or your technology is becoming outdated.
Whatever it might be, these unattractive parts of our businesses typically fall into the category named “we do it this way because we’ve always done it this way.”
Take a fresh look at your business to see what you’ve been missing. Ask a friendly customer what you can do to increase your business’ attractiveness.
You have a great business; take down every barrier that keeps a Potential Buyer from realizing this!